Posts by kovarex

Friday Facts #54 - Bug in bug reporting of other bug

Posted by kovarex on 2014-10-03

Hello, as you could get from the caption, the work during the week was pretty frustrating at times, but the more rewarding it felt when the problems were finally fixed. This time I decided to give you another peek to our different kind of bug battles.

Friday Facts #53 - Multikulti Multiplayer

Posted by kovarex on 2014-09-26

Hello, the summer is officially over soon. I have this tradition of denying it by wearing just a t-shirt as long as possible, so I'm getting less and less comfortable outside until I accept the defeat by the cold weather. The experience is, that the short days and ugly weather speeds up the work on Factorio as we tend to stay inside and code all the time.

Friday Facts #50 - Growing secretly

Posted by kovarex on 2014-09-05

Hello, Albert is back to Prague, so today we had 5 people in the same room working today. I can see that the team is growing, and the atmosphere is positive, as everyone is refreshed by the holidays and full of enthusiasm to make Factorio better. We are looking forward to be in the new office. I already feel the Factorio touch of the place in advance, the bigger the project is the more we feel the need to separate home and work. It might be a bad idea to say it here, but we have some kind of Factorio level up party prepared as well, so if you are in Prague that day and there are not 100 people coming already you are free to join:)

Friday Facts #48 - Effectivity in the long run

Posted by kovarex on 2014-08-22

Hello, apart few bugfixes, there isn't much of a progress this week in the absolute terms. Most of the work done this week was mainly to save time in the long run, so we should be able move forward faster. There are still some bugs in the 0.10.8 but these are not so critical, so 0.10.9 (stable candidate I hope), will get more time to accumulate more bugfixes.

Friday Facts #45 - The second wave

Posted by kovarex on 2014-08-01

Hello, I'm alone here today, Tomas is on yoga camp. We will switch during the weekend, as he will get back, and I will start my paraglide course. I hope you wish me no injury so I can continue to develop Factorio without interruptions.

Friday Facts #44 - Decision making

Posted by kovarex on 2014-07-25

Hello, welcome to the weekly dose of information that proves that we are not slacking :)

Friday Facts #39 - Digging too deep

Posted by kovarex on 2014-06-20

Hello, the stabilising (hopefully) 0.10.1 release is here along with the regular news from the Factorio development.

Friday Facts #37 - The 0.10 is here

Posted by kovarex on 2014-06-06

Hello, the Friday is here much sooner than expected as always. Albert just arrived back in Czech republic yesterday, so the team is localised again. Albert met with Pavel, the graphics reinforcements of our team, for the first time and it seems that they could get along quite well, so we can call these two our graphics department from now on :)

Friday Facts #35 - Lighthouse keeper

Posted by kovarex on 2014-05-23

Hello, you can sit tight, because the batch of insiders from the world of Factorio development are here.

Friday Facts #31 - Factorio is going places

Posted by kovarex on 2014-04-25

Hello, as mentioned in the last update the word about Factorio started to spread much faster than we were used to. We are happy about that and we would like to thank to all the people who helped to spread the word. We have been contacted by several youtubers, and told all of them to wait for the release of their videos until the 1st of May so there is a good chance that we didn't even reach the peak so far. The reason why we want to wait for the 1st may is because it is the release date of our new trailer, we were ready to send Albert home to see his wife already, but his perfectionism didn't let him as he decided to remake the last entity for the trailer, the steam generator. It is already remodelled now, waiting to be retextured, so we are almost finished. Most of the work now is still related to the multiplayer. I keep fixing one desynchronisation bug a day, so I'm near to being able to replay the demo campaign. We are discussing the details of networking almost daily and it seems like our second model of network synchronisation is going to be more consistent than the first one. I hope that the Factorio dev proverb (The third version is usually good) will not apply to this. In the meantime, I started to do a little research of the problem with the growing video memory requirements. It is going to be more relevant in the future if we want to add different enemies or machines, so anyone who knows about game programming could give us a hint. Destroying and building stuff is always more fun with effects. We are always eager to learn what you think at our forums.